My personal website

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Welcome to Tom Willis’s personal website

VP of Software Engineering, Patent Consultant, Product Manager, Agile Coach, Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur, Product Owner


Agile Software Engineering Leader ♦ VP of ENGINEERING ♦ Creating Great Teams ♦ Product Management ♦ Innovator

I help people convert their passion into great software solutions.



The Journey

I help people convert their passion into great software solutions.

As a senior software engineering and product leader, I offer a proven opportunity to grow and transform your software organization with more agile, innovative, and productive teams. I bring an established record of delivery of high-quality enterprise-scale commercial software aligned to customer needs. I am an inventor, innovator and IP expert. I am known as a business collaborator supplying product management, technical insight and leadership.

Leading a team through the transition from traditional software development practices to modern, automated, agile devops best practices can be a lot like a whitewater rafting adventure. If everyone is paddling on their own, you don’t get anywhere but up against the rocks. But when the team learns to trust each other, to observe and act in concert, then you make headway.

The river is different on every ride. You don’t know what’s around the corner, but when the team gets into the rhythm of the scrum or the Kanban flow, then they are prepared to adjust to changing conditions and improving understanding of the situation.
